cuet pg llb cutoff

What is CUET PG LLB Cut off?

du llb online coaching CUET PG LLB Cut off is released by individual participating university. For example Delhi University will release its own du llb cut off and Banaras Hindu University will release its own bhu llb cut off. Similarly Central University of Haryana & other participating universities (which participated in cuet pg admission test) release cut off marks individually. These cut off marks by different universities is released after the completion of registration process by each University after the score card is released by nta.

cuet new batch CUET PG LLB 2026 New Batch Announcement - Admission is opened for du llb / bhu llb (cuet pg law) & mah llb set entrance preparation session 2025-2026. Call 09811544098 for demo & admission.

Read here in details about factors affecting CUET PG LLB cut off as well as past year's trend.

Factors That Determine CUET PG LLB Cut Off

  1. The number of candidates applying for admission to 3-years LLB course at DU, BHU & other universities.
  2. Total sanctioned seats
  3. Total number of applications
  4. Performance of candidates in the cuet pg llb entrance exam
  5. The category of the candidate.

CUET PG LLB Expected Cutoff 2025

NTA has announced that cuet pg llb 2025 exam will be conducted in the month of March 2025. As cuet pg llb exam will be over, we will release our cuet pg llb expected cutoff after analysing the questions asked in the exam. If you are interested to know more about cuet pg llb expected cutoff 2025, then visit this website on regular basis. If you are interested to know cuet pg llb previous year cutoff, then please read below.

cuet pg llb cutoff

CUET PG LLB Year Wise & Category Cutoff

The category-wise cut off marks & ranks for previous years - 2024 and 2023 are as under:

CUET PG LLB cut off 2024: Admission list

Note: Before the releasing of the 1st admission list & cut off by University of Delhi, we had released the expected cut-off which was based on the previous year marks on which admission provided to our students in llb. Our expected cut off for 3 years llb course at University of Delhi was 200+ for general category & 170+ for obc category. You can observe that our expected cut off is almost matching with actual cut off. Here, the maximum marks 300 is used in calculation.

Cut off for 3 Years LLB at University of Delhi
Cut off General OBC EWS SC ST
First 205-186 180-159 188-171 164-141 124-90
Second 200-180 169-151 182-165 143-130 90-63
Third 200-179 169-150 182-165 143-129 81-41
Cut off for 3 Years LLB at Banaras Hindu University
Cut off General OBC EWS SC ST
First 211 194 200 174 143
Second 205 189 200 167 131
Third 204 185 193 161 120
Cut off for 3 Years LLB at Central Universities of Haryana
Cut off General OBC EWS SC ST
First 225-196 195-170 184-179 170-150 142-110
Second 195-183 170-162 179-176 149-139 108-97
Third 180-176 162-157 174-166 139-135 95-86
Fourth 175-172 157-153 166-165 135-126 82-74
Fifth 172-170 152-149 164-163 125-123 73-58

CUET PG LLB cut off 2023: Admission list

Note: Below cut-off details is based on the marks on which admission provided to our students in du llb.

Cut off General OBC EWS SC ST
First 235+ 169
Second 233+ 189 158
Third 227+

du llb online coaching

du llb online coaching