nda cut off

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NDA Cut Off

nda online coachingWhat is NDA Cut Off - The nda cut off is the minimum qualifying marks requires for getting admission into national defence academy. For each nda exam, upsc releases cut off two times - 1st time after publishing the result of nda written marks & 2nd time after ssb interview. So there are two types of nda cut off mentioned below.

NDA Written Exam Cut Off – Since nda written exam comprises of paper 1 (maths) & paper 2 (gat) tests. UPSC releases the result of written exam of those candidates who score the minimum qualifying marks in both papers individually & also score the minimum cut off marks (maths & gat combined marks) which requires to become eligible for 2nd stage of nda selection process i.e 5 days ssb interview.

NDA Overall Cut Off - The nda overall cut off is based on the marks obtained by candidates in written test & ssb interview. As you know that total marks of written test is 900 & total marks of ssb interview is 900. So you can say that nda overall cut off is the marks secured out of total 1800 marks. On the basis of nda overall cut off, admission in national defence academy is provided.

Factors use to determine NDA Cut Off - The nda cut off is based on the following factors.

  • Number of candidates appeared in nda exam
  • Total number of vacancies
  • Difficulty level of exam

What are the minimum Passing Marks in NDA – The minimum passing marks in nda is the minimum qualifying percentage marks that candidates need to score in each subject. As per the trend in previous nda exam, candidates have to secure approx 25% marks out of 300 in Mathematics and approx 25% marks out of 600 in General Ability Test (GAT). The minimum passing marks in nda may differ for each NDA 1 and 2 exams from 20% to 35%. Most of the times, the minimum passing marks is 25% in each subject. If you fail to score the minimum passing marks in any of the subjects besides you cross the nda cut off; you will be declared failed.

UPSC NDA Expected Cut Off – The Expected Cut Off of NDA will depend on the various factors we have mentioned above. The Expected NDA Cut Off will be updated after the completion of coming nda written exam. After every nda written exam, we will update the nda expected cut off & original nda cut off which is released by upsc. When you go thru below mentioned year wise nda cut off, you find that for last ten nda written exam, the cut off is near about 350 marks & overall cut off is near 700 marks. So you can assume that the next expected nda cut off will be the either equivalent or there may be an increase / decrease of approx 50 marks.

Previous Years NDA Cut Off Marks

In below table, we have updated previous years nda cut off of NDA Written Exam Cut Off which is out of 900 marks & Overall NDA Cut Off which is out of 1800 marks. The overall cut off includes sum up marks of nda written exam & ssb interview – last recommended candidates' marks.

Year NDA I & NDA II Cut Off Marks
NDA I 2023 301 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 664 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2023 292 out of 900 with at least 20% marks in each subject. 656 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2022 360 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 720 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2022 316 out of 900 with at least 20% marks in each subject. 678 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2021 343 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 709 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2021 355 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 726 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2020 355 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 723 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2020 355 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 719 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2019 342 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 704 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2019 346 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 709 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2018 338 out of 900 with at least 25 % marks in each subject. 705 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2018 325 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 688 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2017 342 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 708 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2017 258 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 624 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2016 288 out of 900 with at least 25 % marks in each subject. 656 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2016 229 out of 900 with at least 20% marks in each subject. 602 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2015 306 out of 900 with at least 30% marks in each subject. 674 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2015 269 out of 900 with at least 25% marks in each subject. 637 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2014 360 out of 900 with at least 35% marks in each subject. 722 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2014 283 out of 900 with at least 30% marks in each subject. 656 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA I 2013 333 out of 900 with at least 30% marks in each subject. 698 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.
NDA II 2013 360 out of 900 with at least 30% marks in each subject. 721 Marks out of 1800 by the last recommended candidate.

We hope, now you will able to get the brief on previous years nda cut off & expected nda cut off of upcoming nda written exam & ssb interview.