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About NDA - NDA is a country’s premier institution where officers for Indian Defence Forces are trained & prepared. NDA is the short acronym of National Defence Academy. NDA was established in the year of 7 December 1954 in Khadakwasla Pune, in the state of Maharashtra, India. In NDA, Cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force train together before they go on to respective service academy for further pre-commission training.
NDA imparts training to young men aged between 16½ to 19½, who choose the Armed Forces as their career. The training equips the students with mental, moral and physical attributes required to cope with the challenges of the future battle field. Cadets at NDA are given an intensive education in Science, Technology, Arts and Military subjects.
Training at NDA – After clearing the written exam, ssb interview, CPSS (require for air force candidates only) & medical tests, candidates now called cadets & undergo the both academic and physical training at nda.
The training during the first two and half years is common to the cadets of three wings. At NDA cadets spend 3 years & at the end of their six terms course, cadets are awarded Bachelor's Degree of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University).
In the three years at NDA, student is transformed into a potential officer and a gentleman.
After successful completion of the 3 years course, cadets are sent to their respective service academy for one year of pre-commission training before granting of commission.
Training at Naval Academy - The selected candidates of the Naval Academy will be given preliminary training both academic and physical, for a period of 04 years at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala. The cadets of 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme will be awarded a B. Tech Degree on successful completion of training.
Fixed stipend for cadet during training at IMA, AFA & NA - An amount of Rs 56,100/-p.m. as stipend is given to Cadets during the entire duration of training in service academies i.e. during training period at IMA, AFA & Naval Academy.
Rank awarded after successful training of cadets - On successful completion of training cadets are granted permanent commission in the rank of Lieutenant in Army, Flying Officer in Air Force & Sub Lieutenant in Navy.
Career graph & promotion of officers in defence - Promotion in army, navy & air force are offered on the basis of time duration, merit & on selection or recommendation. The detailed career graph in defence forces are given below.
ARMY | NAVY | AIR FORCE | Time Duration |
Lieutenant | Sub Lieutenant | Flying Officer | On Commission |
Captain | Lieutenant | Flight Lieutenant | 02 Years |
Major | Lt. Commander | Squadron Leader | 06 years |
Lieutenant Colonel | Commander | Wing Commander | 13 years |
Colonel (Selection) | Captain (Selection) | Group Captain (Selection) | On Selection |
Colonel (Time Scale) | Captain (Time Scale) | Group Captain (Time Scale) | 26 years |
Brigadier | Commodore | Air Commodore | On Selection |
Major General | Rear Admiral | Air Vice Marshal | On Selection |
Lieutenant General | Vice Admiral | Air Marshal | On Selection |
General | Admiral | Air Chief Marshal | On Selection |
Some interesting facts about nda